Depending on the field of activity of the company, and depending on its size, you will be able to order either total management of the company’s accounting or specific services such as preparation of reports, calculation of salaries, preparation of the company for tax inspections and so on.
Westved does not limit itself to appointing an accountant, we help companies:
- to organise professional management of accounting and tax accounting;
- to reduce risks related to changes in laws and the emergence of new operations in business;
- to create a flexible accounting and reporting system.
Total accounting service
Westved does not limit itself to appointing an accountant. We offer our clients a flexible accounting and tax accounting management system, all the way from selection of document templates to archiving of them.
Salary calculation, personnel accounting
By entrusting payroll management to Westved, you will save time and money, and you will increase business efficiency.
Outsourced payroll accounting service includes
Restoration of accounting is offered to those companies that did not have an accounting position for some time, lost accounting documentation, and did not keep proper accounting records.
Tax and foreign economic activity consulting
Tax laws are so complex and specific that they are far from always understood without help. Qualified tax lawyers and accountants will help you do this.
Total accounting service
Westved will provide you with a range of services, including full accounting service:
- management of accounting in accordance with the laws of accounting;
- management of VAT accounts;
- tax accounting and corporate reporting;
- filling out and submission of tax returns;
- preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements;
- management of basic tangible assets and equipment;
- cash flow accounts;
- cost analysis of individual projects;
- preparation of statistical reports;
- contacting tax authorities and providing assistance during tax inspections;
- control of debit arrears;
- recommendations for the development of a document management system;
- advice on accounting policy development;
Salary calculation, personnel accounting
Payroll management is one of the necessary responsibilities of an employer, regardless of the number of staff in the organisation and its area of activity.
By entrusting payroll management to Westved, you will save time and money, and you will increase business efficiency.
Outsourced payroll accounting service includes:
- personnel accounting;
- maintenance of payment slips;
- issuing certificates of employment and income;
- calculation of employees’ pension contributions and income tax;
- preparation of annual reports on the income of natural persons;
- preparation and submission of company tax returns.
Tax and foreign economic activity consulting
Tax law issues are faced by everyone who does business today. Moreover, tax laws are so complex and specific that far from everyone manages to orient themselves independently. This will be done by professional tax lawyers and accountants.
You may need to consult a tax professional if:
- the tax consequences of the transaction need to be assessed or captured in the tax accounting of the transactions performed;
- it is necessary to choose the economic activity scheme that is most favourable in terms of taxation;
- a request from the tax office has been received or employees of your organisation are invited to an interview if you have been inspected by the tax office and you want to assess the potential risks of your transaction;
- you have a question about the application of tax law.
Restoration of accounting records
Restoration of accounting is offered to companies which:
- have not had an accountant for some time;
- have lost accounting documentation;
- have incorrectly managed accounting;
- had distorted accounting data.